First Aid Workshops
Multidisciplinary Huisartsenpraktijk Groei! provides an interactive first aid workshop for adults who frequently come into contact with children.
- What to do for burns?
- My child put something toxic in their mouth, now what?
- How do you resuscitate a baby?
- How do you resuscitate a toddler?
- But also: what do you do when your toddler has stuffed big sister's bead in his nose?
- Wat te doen bij brandwonden?

We'll walk you through all these questions and more during this workshop. You will get expert explanations, you can try some actions yourself and there is room for all your first aid questions.
Where? Gentse Spruiten Buurtlocatie Brugse Poort - Kiekenstraat 4bis 9000 Gent
Cost? 30 EUR per person (Feel free to ask about our social rates).
EHBO (in het Nederlands)
- 18 maart
- 27 mei
1st Aid (in English)
- May 13th
To guarantee the quality of our information sessions, we foresee a maximum number of participants. So it is important to register quickly
Of course, a workshop is not complete without time for a chat and the opportunity to get to know the other participants - We are happy to invite you for a cup of tea or coffee after the session and, if possible, a chance for the children to play together.