Would you like to donate to Babytheek Gent or the Toy Library?
Babytheek Gent and Spelotheek + are only possible thanks to the generous donations we receive. Donations sometimes come in the form of a "deferred" membership for a family in need. Pennies make it possible to buy items that are less likely to be donated.
Donations are always possible by transferring to Gentse Spruiten vzw BE73 9733 5983 3860.
Sometimes we are looking for something specific, other times funds are needed to purchase items that are not easily donated. Below is a gallery of items we often look for.
Whenever possible, we kindly ask that you make an appointment to drop of donations.
We are currently looking for ...
Toys are always welcome! Not only for the Babytheek but also for our play space. We prefer well-made, educational and where possible wooden or durable toys. Also wooden toys that need a lick of paint or are in need of repair are welcome!
Maternity clothes, jackets and bathing suits are always welcome. Children's clothing is also gladly accepted. We also hope to expand our catalog to include Spring Party and 1st Communion clothing.
Clothing that we cannot use will be donated to a very valuable partner, Kledingpunt vzw.
Slippers, Shoes and Rainboots
- Leather slippers like Bobux and similar shoes we are very happy to add to Babytheek Gent's catalog!
- We can't accept shoes otherwise.
- Rain boots up to 38 are certainly welcome for The Boot Bank.