Coffee & Playdates + The Toy Library
Gentse Spruiten Clubhouse Brugse Poort

The Gentse Spruiten Neighborhood location in the Brugse Poort is open 18 hours a week. Free and low-threshold meet and play opportunities for young families. Enjoy our indoor playroom for babies and toddlers. Siblings are welcome provided they adapt their play to the smaller children. Outside there is also a beautiful enclosed courtyard where everyone can play together and enjoy the cozy terrace atmosphere. Coffee, tea and water are always ready. Healthy snacks are available for a voluntary contribution.
Open 3 days per week, including holidays
Sundays 12pm - 17pm
- Mondays 10am - 17pm
- Thursdays 10am - 14:30pm
On the 2nd Tuesday of each month we enjoy a wine a cheese evening for parents.
On the 3rd Friday of each month, we put celebrate prospective and new parents.
Our hours may vary during school holidays, please always check our calendar.

Please help us keep to a few simple rules for our gatherings
- all parenting styles are respected without judgement
- no shoes are worn on the laminate flooring
- all food and drink is to be consumed while sitting at the table (including bottles or a sip of water)
As a volunteer organization, we sometimes have to close at short notice due to illness or scheduling conflicts. If you register in advance, we will send a text message to prevent you from arriving at a closed gate.
If you have made an appointment but cannot come, please be sure to cancel (see confirmation email) so that another family may take your place.

Would you also like to pick up something from Babytheek Gent - Spelotheek+ while you are here? Please make an appointment using this link.
Returning an item may be done without an appointment, but we ask that you return the item to the Babytheek counter and wait for confirmation from the attendant.